Tuesday, June 23, 2009

to crawl?

last night we went to dinner at a restaurant on Santa Fe. I decided to get all the vegetable that i havent been getting and ordered a massive salad. Nicky is going all buenos aires and got the steak and a bottle of wine (to share with us). The meal was great and slow but not annoying, everything here is just slower. The only time the lack of organization/efficiency has been annoying was yesterday when we went to the grocery store and i bought what i thought was an eight dollar baileys but it ended up being a little under fifteen because it was mislabeled (still not that bad though). at dinner the wine was a little heavy so we had to start doing toasts to incentivize ourselves to finish it (as nikki does not enjoy the taste as much). toasts went to: safety, hucks and headshots, will spiva, guillermo, there were some others but i cant remember.
today at school i moved up a level into nicky's class and out of nikki's. The teacher was hilarious. She made fun of anything and everything that was not from Buenos Aires. All the spanish speakers especially brazilians, and constantly was correcting our pronunciations into the form spoken here. She actually got a little mad when i joked that kaka was a better footballer than messi. But she liked me because i was the only single guy in the class, and according to her, the only smart one. Surprisingly she was not a fan of siestas, and right after class we walked back and took one. I woke up after about and hour and a half and have been eating and reading around the apartment. Nicky woke up and took a second siesta (its getting out of control).
We are probably going to go on this touristy pub crawl tonight but we arent sure yet.

here is a picture of my dog


  1. That first post was from Nick...I just want to add that Mie-tu is better.

  2. yes - we have had the one big argentine beer quilmes, which is pretty decent. Markham and I both enjoy it. I think we might go to a microbrewery sometime later this week.

  3. michelle michelle michelle. i think you will find that few agree. bordering on zero

  4. Just start going out to do stuff without him while he siestas. I never tried it but I think that should work.

  5. The thing is, both Markham and Nicky are very fond of their siestas. Markham likes to pretend that it's only Nicky, but he also sleeps a good two hours or more in the afternoon.
