Ok so I'm being coerced into posting ("but you have the pictures on your computer"). We had a pretty good albeit lowkey weekend. The above are pictures from our excursion to some of the parks in Palermo. You need to really zoom in, but if you can I recommend checking out Markham's expression in the picture of him reading on the park bench. He has a pretty goofy reading face. Anyway, we did lots of things. We went to the parks (above) on Saturday, and they threw the frisbee around (no injuries), and read and enjoyed the weather. Headed out Saturday night to dinner and then a party some people from the school were hosting. Today was election day in BA, stores stopped selling liquor at 8 pm on Saturday, and bars stopped serving at midnight, hence all the clubs were dead. Apparently they wanted people voting sober. So, we ended up at the student party. Swine flu girl was there, and must have been feeling much better, since she looked on track to finish about a 5th of vodka all on her own. The other girl in their class, Kelly, was also there, and was trying to teach them dances of sorts to Spanish songs. Nicky, for his participation, was told that he was an awesome dancer. Given how much she'd had to drink at that point, her judgement is debateable. We ended up leaving circa 3 (early by BA standards) because Markham was tired (not enough siestas :( Sunday was spent recuperating and in my case baking and doing work. In Nicky and Markham's case it was spent eating and reading. And of course, watching some GG. Nicky also braved the ordering-in experience and took it upon himself to call a pizza place and order delivery of pizza. We ended up with a different pizza than we expected, but it did show up at our apartment, which was a win.
We also met up with Maddy and her friend Jordan sometime in the past week, for dinner and drinks. Lots of GG discussion ensued.
Also I'm pretty sure Argentinian MTV hasn't played anything other than Michael Jackson music videos for about 3 days straight. Apparently he was well loved here.
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