Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pictures from the Day (June 30)

pictures are of us + laura getting helado (ice cream) that was delicious - picture of markham and me with our teacher - and some shots of the sweet bookstore "el ateneo" where we got some books and read today.


  1. So, it is winter there, but it does not look too cold. What is the temp?
    New TN law -- texting while driving is a crime.
    New Driver's Licences have birthday in larger red letters.
    Alan Jackson's house on market for $38M
    and Al Franken is now a Senator.

  2. Laura is ADORABLE!!! So glad you're all having fun. Am enjoying YOUR ride. We're in Rhode Island and I didn't know about the texting law. Thanks for that info and congrats to Martin for passing his test!
