Saturday, June 20, 2009

atlanta and getting there

so atlanta airport we had way longer than expected. so looking back, we totally should have gone to the krystals, one last goodbye and stuff.
we walked through four gates of soldiers in uniform just hanging around everywhere. it was strangely normal in that they had laptops and were on phones and stuff. but were huge and could beat us up really easily.
the flight was not bad, no babies. watched a few episodes of gg and read this tight book 'confederacy of dunces'. slept a lot.
when we got into ba we were pretty obviously tourists and our spanish was rusty but we made it to the apartment fine. nikki had food waiting for us and the place is definitely nicer than i expected so it was just a great time to go to sleep.
now we are up and ready to run this city.


  1. Well I'm not actually there but I'll still extend a bienvenido on behalf of my adopted city - BsAs (the way they abbreviate Buenos Aires). I hope 'ya'll' have una experiencia fantastica!

    I'll check in every so often on the blog to see how it's going.

    Chau, Debra
