Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hostel Livin

So yesterday Nikki abandoned us to adventure in Colonia - luckily, before she had left, she helped me find some hostels. The weather was miserable yesterday with insane amounts of rain. We ended up staying at a hostel called Tango Backpackers Hostel or something in Palermo. The 6 person room smelled really funky and there was a guy in it sleeping at 2pm so we just dropped our stuff off and went looking for food.

Later that day we came back and read (Markham is now immersed in Enders Shadow) and met the guy who had been sleeping in our room for the last 24 hours. Supposedly he was feeling really sick and has a cough, and he said the smell had been here for a while. It smelled like propane or mold or medicine, Im not sure which. Anyhow, we told the front desk we wanted to switch rooms and they upgraded us two a 2 person room for no charge, which was sweeet.

We grabbed dinner and some delicious menta granizada ice cream (mint chocolate chip)before making it back to the hostel where this gorgeous blonde girl asks markham and I to go party with her and other hostel people. So we meet a lot of random people (Ireland, Holland, England, Austria) and then ended up playing Farmers Bridge with some girls from Holland.

Everything was going fine (one of them cheated accidentally and then the other two started calling her German - that is what they call cheaters), until two ´"cool dudes" from california came over to "hang out." Thus began the bropocolypse. Though they were what one might call nice, there was no stopping them. I wont go into it now, but they were pretty ridiculous.

Anyhow, we went out clubbing with a lot of people from the hostel, a brazilian woman tried to give us dance lessons at the club, and then we went to sleep around 3 at the hostel. It was cold, very, very cold during the night. And loud and windy. But it was fine.


  1. Be safe and don't mention Hostels again. I watched I and II, sadly.

    although you cant not at least consider it when you are in one.
    also, never forget SoaP

  3. meaning samuel l jacksons masterpiece

  4. Markham, I think you mean SoaMFP.
