Wednesday, July 29, 2009


so, i am in my room at home, and i guess that means that the trip is over. the flight was not that bad, except that we were next to this huge beeping thing for alot of the time. (the beeping thing was people calling the flight attendants). so i guess the lesson is never sit in an exit row or near a bathroom.
nicky and i made up a game on the plane, and it made me realize how hard it is to actually create a well balanced game that had a purpose. our game had 9 circles and then a bunch of mini circles where you had to group them around certain enemies and hold certain other 'bases'. it took alot of tweaking to even be playable, so i guess next time i play a bad game i will think of how hard it is to make a good one.

one a more pertinent note, i want to thank everyone for reading. like, and actually thank you. it was fun to do, but the writing is much more enjoyable when people you know read (it also made us feel long distance love, however weird it is that a website can do that). so thank you.

Monday, July 27, 2009

We're Heading Out

Going to the airport in 30 minutes or so, see you guys soon.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


i think nicky is doing a write-up of colonia stuff, so i wont go to much into the details of that. except that it was really nice to get out of the city. i dont hate bigt cities but i dont think i am ever going to live downtownish in one for an extended period of time. buenos aires is nice, but it feels cramed to me because there is not much visible sky and also because the buildings have no space in between eachother. every shop, hotel, store, restaurant on a block, share walls with the adjacent buildings. i guess the crampdness makes sense because the city is a walking one.
but anyways, getting out to the short buildinged and open colonia was awesome, and getting close to the sea, however cold, was a nice break.

also, on the way back from the colonia on the express boat, we were getting peeped really hard. it happens here more than any place its ever happened to me in the world. i dont think people are even ashamed of it, its just natural. so like, nicky and i catch people peeping us or the other all the time. guys girls, whatever. its strange, and pretty funny.

also, an overview of the hostel, which we have been staying in. we found some rooms that were not as cold and cheaper as well, so thats been pretty solid. but the people staying here are pretty priceless. one calls herself the breakfast bitch, and i thought it was funny at first, but then it wasnt. because she was serious. she got super drunk the first night, and not funny drunk. just loud and in your face and annoying. so we werent really feeling that. also she is crazy and british which makes it way worse, because you cant even understand what she is shouting at you half the time.
but there are two awesome british couples there as well, who seem fairly embarassed by her and are really nice to us, so thats good too. we impersonate their accents and they do the same, one guy is particularly acute in his representation of american mannerisms and intonations.

ps, alison if you read this you better wait for harry potter, because we didnt watch it and watched some bad jon travolta movie instead. your promise is now public, and if you break it, your mom and her friends will know and you will be grounded


We went to Colonia yesterday, and had a blast. Something about getting away from the big city felt very good for both of us. The town was had cobblestone streets, lots of greenery and tropical type flowers, a few old Spanish ruins, and houses in pastels just like the Bahamas. I took a lot of pictures, but yesterday my camera phone died so they won´t be up until we run into nikki or get home.

We went up to the top of a tall lighthouse where you could see the whole city, and the ocean, though very muddy and brown, was nice to have close by. The plazas were calm and relaxed, and Markham and I threw frisbee a fair amount in them while young kids watched on in awe. Young kids are really fascinated by frisbee I have started to notice. Belle Meade, parks in Buenos Aires, Colonia - anywhere we go kids really want to learn how to throw.

At the lighthouse we met a girl named Morgan who is a sophomore at UPenn. She was very nice, but something seemed really off about her. It was like her brain had lag or something, she would answer questions and say things but she seemed like she was in lala land or somehthing because it always took her a while and she just was giving off a weird vibe. She was nice though, and we ate lunch together. In the restaurant, when markham took his jacket and sweater off and was just wearing a tshirt, the big Argentine family next to us was amazed by this and talked about it amongst themselves before asking us what crazy place we must be from to do such a thing.

The boat going to Colonia and back was huge. We didn´t notice that it had started moving until we saw trees going by. It also had a mall inside of it.

We are going to frisbee tonight, and then doing a tango class at a cultural center which should be loads of fun.

I don´t recommend the Taking of Pelham 1 2 3. We saw it on thursday because we´re saving harry potter and Ponyo for after we get back.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

its been

so right now we are in a locutorio because we just checked out of the hostel. also there is no spell check on this computer so this could get pretty pathetic becuase the little red line has made me dependent, so i think i have forgetten how to spell and type words in the last three years without it.
anyways, we are planning on going into uruguay right now, but arent sure because the weather there is bad and the weather here just cleared up. last night was bearable, not freezing. i plugged the cracks in our doors and windows which helped alottt, but the night itself was warmer anyways than the one before. it was nice to not wake up in a closed room with a breeze on my face.
we are about to go to the california burrito kitchen and figure out the rest of the trip, but we come home pretty soon.

last day-night we hung out with nick carter and since i dont like using the word awesome or cool for stuff that is really awesome or cool, i´ll sayy it was fetch (mean girls, im brining it back). probably the best thing we did was a reallly long dinner at this brazilian place called afuego. unlimited meat, and a bunch of varieties of it as well. combined with great apatizers drinks and friends, it was definitely my favorite meal of the trip. there was a little button that we could flip green or red, and lets just say it was green alot, and there was constantly food coming our way. the sausage and sirloin were incredible.
its nice to now that some things never change between friends though, and even though we hadnt seen nick in a while, by our standards, it didnt slow us down at all, and we fell right back into it immediately.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hostel Livin

So yesterday Nikki abandoned us to adventure in Colonia - luckily, before she had left, she helped me find some hostels. The weather was miserable yesterday with insane amounts of rain. We ended up staying at a hostel called Tango Backpackers Hostel or something in Palermo. The 6 person room smelled really funky and there was a guy in it sleeping at 2pm so we just dropped our stuff off and went looking for food.

Later that day we came back and read (Markham is now immersed in Enders Shadow) and met the guy who had been sleeping in our room for the last 24 hours. Supposedly he was feeling really sick and has a cough, and he said the smell had been here for a while. It smelled like propane or mold or medicine, Im not sure which. Anyhow, we told the front desk we wanted to switch rooms and they upgraded us two a 2 person room for no charge, which was sweeet.

We grabbed dinner and some delicious menta granizada ice cream (mint chocolate chip)before making it back to the hostel where this gorgeous blonde girl asks markham and I to go party with her and other hostel people. So we meet a lot of random people (Ireland, Holland, England, Austria) and then ended up playing Farmers Bridge with some girls from Holland.

Everything was going fine (one of them cheated accidentally and then the other two started calling her German - that is what they call cheaters), until two ´"cool dudes" from california came over to "hang out." Thus began the bropocolypse. Though they were what one might call nice, there was no stopping them. I wont go into it now, but they were pretty ridiculous.

Anyhow, we went out clubbing with a lot of people from the hostel, a brazilian woman tried to give us dance lessons at the club, and then we went to sleep around 3 at the hostel. It was cold, very, very cold during the night. And loud and windy. But it was fine.